Friday, March 7, 2008

Disneyland in one day

Recipe: Take two very tired, jet-lagged middle aged (ok - past middle age, I guess) parents of four children. Mix in four kids who think that 6 a.m. is 9 a.m. and who ate 12 Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast, along with organic milk (hey, at least something was healthy). Shake thoroughly over bumpy, rough California freeways with a GPS to guide them with quick turns and slightly confusing directions in an English accent. Whisk around side streets, searching for a Wal-Mart and a bathroom, not necessarily in that order. Spread thin while parking 150 miles from the tram stop. Add a smidge, no, make that a half-gallon of whine while strolling down Main Street past all the souvenier shops, all the while saying "you can't have everything you see" one hundred twenty three times. Blend with several thousand people of varying ethnicities and languages who don't understand the concept of personal space while searching for the shortest line at the perfect ride that can be enjoyed by children varying in ages from 11-1/2 to 4. Bake in a moderate oven of not too hot, not too cold, then slice each nerve thinly as the day goes on, and on, and on, and on. Leave when the adults are exhausted but the children are not, then allow the children to fall asleep while the adults struggle to stay awake on the drive back to the hotel. Enjoy thoroughly!!


Michelle said...

So, tell me, has the voice of Satan been heard yet???? HMMMMM????

Jennifer said...

Just dropping in to say HI and WELCOME to the blog world! Belle-ah sent me over :)

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

Hi Judy!
I'm Suzanne's friend who met you at lunch last Saturday. It sounds like your trip got off to a rousing start! From one homeschool mom to another - way to go! :-)

Judy said...

Great to hear from everyone! Sorry there wasn't any postings between Thursday night and tonight, but internet service has been non-existent. The voice of Satan has been heard, loud and strong, and only chocolate can help! Hello to Jess, Jennifer & Renee. Be sure and watch Jeopardy on March 14th, right Renee? It's on my calendar!!!

chloerose said...

Why are we watching Jeopardy on Friday??? Chocolate huh? Enough of the "get thee behind me" stuff...isn't it amazing what you learn as a homeschool family??? gotta love it! My "homeschool" girl will be graduating this May and heading off to NGCSU in the fall...very bitter sweet...hmmm...sounds like chocolate to me, aye???
Love ya Kiddo!
Maria :)