Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Football won't be the same....

Brett Farve has decided to retire. I had hoped he'd hang on one more year and I was going to try to persuade hubby dearest to take me to a Packers game for our anniversary. Oh well, life is uncertain.

Speaking of uncertain, we're still coming to grips with the fact that my illness is not at all serious. We'd had so many things bandied about by the doctors, read so many things, heard so many horror stories.....but God is GOOD and His mercy endures forever! We're still facing the surgery to repair the hole in my septum (still no diagnosis as to what caused it) and subsequent biopsy; but the alternatives were very scary. Thanks to all of you for the prayers, kind words and thoughts.

We leave tomorrow at EARLY, EARLY, EARLY for the airport. What a hair-brained scheme we've cooked up. I certainly thought my husband was much more level headed that this -- but what a grand adventure! At least, that's what I told him!! My recent illness has caused us to look at our God and our family much differently. We're going to enjoy and drink deeply from God's goodness and mercy and thoroughly enjoy the kids, too. Well......at least I'll be enjoying the kids until they get on my very last nerve in the motor home after 1800 miles of "he looked at me; she touched me; I want a drink; she/he breathed on me". What do you guys think? Do you think we'll make it to the California border without "making memories" with the kids????


Michelle said...

Just don't bring them back bruised! LOL

Unknown said...

i TOLD you it was going to be fine.

Judy said...

Yes, for the record, my level-headed, extremely mature oldest daughter kept telling me that everything was going to be fine with the hole in my nose. So, for the record, Jessica - you were right. Just don't get cocky about it, ok?