Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day Ramblings

I can't believe it's already the first day of May! Are we finally going to have a spring? Are we finally going to finish work on the house? Am I finally going to get these rods out of my nose and (hopefully) be able to smell? Hannah found out that May Day is a big holiday in Russia, so now she thinks we ought to have a party with her and Stephen as the stars, because, of course "they're Russian and you are not". I think we're gonna pass on the party. Better dead than red, remember that?

Today is the National Day of Prayer and our church is participating in an observance this morning. The kids are going to release balloons at the end of the service. I can't think of a more important time to deliberately pray for our country.

Mother's Day is coming up - always a bittersweet day for me. Sunday is the Mother Daughter luncheon at church and the girls and I have invited Larry's mom to come with us. She's always had a schedule conflict before, so we are excited about her attending. I know that I am my children's Mother, but it's just not the same once you lose your own mother. It's so weird - she's been gone 12 years now, but I still think of things I need to ask her, reach for the phone to call her, and see things while shopping that she would enjoy. She'll always be with me.

Looking ahead to summer --- swimming lessons, golf camp, tennis camp, church camp, two or three family camping trips --- I'm tired before we even get started and the summer is already spoken for as well. I'm already working on booking our Christmas camping trip to Key West. Too bad we can't just move down there and wait tables or something! Really, truly a paradise.

We hope to have the deck expansion done by the end of this week. We'll have doubled our outdoor living space and should be able to enjoy watching the kids in the pool from the 2nd story deck. Larry is anxious to fire up the new grill and get cooking ..... wait, did I really say that???

The support stints in my nose come out next Tuesday and that will be the moment of truth about whether or not the "patch" over the hole has held. I've sneezed a couple of times - ouch! Right now my nose just looks real swollen; thankfully no bruising. We've been blessed incredibly by friends and family with childcare, food, prayers, calls and emails. God is good to our family!

Larry's been real good and helpful to me during my recuperation. I had to get dressed up only two days after surgery and he even helped me put on my pantyhose. Well, he put them on backwards at first. He couldn't understand why it would make a difference! I told him the poochy part for my bottom has to go in the back. I guess I ought to be glad that he isn't familiar with the nuances of the fine art of putting on pantyhose!

I can't wait to be able to get out in the yard and tend to my roses. I planted my geraniums in the porch containers before the surgery, but I need to get out some begonias as well. Patience is NOT my strong suit!

Well, nothing mind-boggling this time, just some ramblings about this and that. Have a happy May Day!

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