Judy, if you are the attorney who wrote wills for Stan & Lana Augustus, please contact me. My husband has passed away and I don't know what to do about his will. I've tried to call the number on your business card, but it just rings and rings. My number is (770)667-0764
Hi Judy, I hate to bother you again, but since you were a witness to my husband's will, I really need to have you fill out an Interrogatories to witness to will form for me. I can't locate the other person who witnessed the will. I need your address so I can mail it to you.
Thanks. Lana (770)667-0764 or airedaleheaven@comcast.net
We're a large family, formed through marriage, biological birth and international adoption. We're crazy busy with four kids at home and four weenie dogs. This blog will hopefully tell our stories as we spend time going to baseball games, goofing off, traveling and just generally being a family.
Thanks for dropping by!
In these busy times, the art of sitting around and "visiting" with folks is almost a forgotten art. So I imagine that by talking to our computers, musing about life, venting frustrations, sharing the joys (and sorrows) of our daily lives .... that has replaced sitting a "spell" on the front porch with dear friends.
So, pull up your rockin' chair and let's visit a spell.....
Well, I was right. Homeschooling was a season in my life, and that season has come to a close. I'm back practicing law almost full time - I say almost because anyone who raises four kids knows that it's hard to work "full time". Fortunately, I work from home and can work on weekends and odd hours to catch up - and I often do!
Judy, if you are the attorney who wrote wills for Stan & Lana Augustus, please contact me. My husband has passed away and I don't know what to do about his will. I've tried to call the number on your business card, but it just rings and rings. My number is (770)667-0764
Hi Judy, I hate to bother you again, but since you were a witness to my husband's will, I really need to have you fill out an Interrogatories to witness to will form for me. I can't locate the other person who witnessed the will. I need your address so I can mail it to you.
Lana (770)667-0764 or airedaleheaven@comcast.net
Hi, Judy. I was just wondering if you have had a chance to fill out the Interrogatories form and send it back to me. I have not, yet, received it.
Have a happy Easter!
(770) 667-0764
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